MAD <p>MAD is a biannual electronic publication sponsored by the Master in Systemic Analysis Applied to Society, belonging to the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile. The journal publishes original scientific papers in the field of social sciences, research advances, essays, book reviews and translations, in which theoretical perspectives and empirical approaches related to social systems theory and social constructivism, are applied.&nbsp;</p> es-ES <p>Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following conditions:</p> <ul class="unIndentedList"> <li class="show">Authors retain the copyright and give to the journal right of first publication under <a title="Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)</a> that allows third parties to use the published work making reference to the author or authors and the publication in this journal.</li> </ul> (Dr. Hugo Cadenas) (Dirección de Servicios de Información y Bibliotecas (SISIB)) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 15:00:43 +0000 OJS 60 Editorial Julio Labraña, Liliana Ramírez Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Governance of Pandemics: why was it so easy? We propose to compare the pandemics and climate change from the point of view of the governance challenges that both imply, and the strategies that have been implemented to respond to it. Specifically, we seek to understand why facing the pandemic appears to have been ‘easier’ than what has been the case with climate change, that is, why the public response to the phenomenon has managed to be so fast and effective, in relative terms, compared to many other dilemmas facing our contemporary society. To that purpose, we advance a comparative analysis model, inspired by Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Social Systems, which we call ‘governance prism’, structured along three dimensions (who governs? what is governed? what for? –or where– is it governed?). We also propose that different specific governance strategies can be characterized based on how these questions are answered. From this, some findings and transversal reflections are derived that, we hope, can serve as a guide to design better governance arrangements that better prepare us both to face the climate and environmental crisis that we are experiencing, as well as to face new hypothetical epidemic outbreaks that may arise in the future. Marco Billi Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Reflections on social research in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic The paper presents and analyzes, the elaboration of the problems and the choices made in a systemic study of the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic from a conceptual and methodological point of view. For this purpose, the construction of the object of study, the adoption of the sociology of risk, and the performances and difficulties offered by the sociology of society and functional differentiation are examined. In the conclusions, a balance of the integrated approach implemented is discussed. Sergio Pignuoli Ocampo Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The reflexive university in times of crisis Paradoxically, the self-reference of research i+n higher education and in universities in particular has only recently been recognized, albeit from a critical perspective that only questions the motives of academics. Although relevant as a political-ideological critique, such analyses remain at the level of personal attribution, without questioning the social conditions of possibility of the statements. In this essay we suggest that the notions emerging today in the post-pandemic scenario should be considered as a new expression of three referents that, with different approaches, are presented in normative discussions about the university: equity, comprehensiveness and relevance. As a result, the idea of the contemporary university is that of an inherently modern university, which still follows the Enlightenment mandate to dare to think, but extends it to the questioning of its own foundations, finding in continuous self-criticism its controversial (and impossible) mission: always more equitable, more integral and more pertinent. Julio Labraña, Francisca Puyol, José Joaquín Brunner Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Anti-Vaccine Movement in Mexico, in the Context of COVID-19 This chapter examines the resurgence of the anti-vaccine movement in Mexico amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the social distancing measures began, activist groups questioned official announcements and protested against containment measures, spreading misinformation on social media platforms. During the pandemic, these protests received criticism for being rooted in half-truths and emotional arguments. Despite limitations imposed by social distancing measures, the movement adapted to digital activism. In order to study this protest movement, the paper adopts a theoretical perspective based on Niklas Luhmann's Social Systems Theory, treating the anti-vaccine movement as a social system. Employing digital ethnography, the study focused on major activist groups on social media platforms, identifying their codes, identities, symbols, and languages. The article provides relevant empirical information on the anti-vaccine movement in Mexico while contributing to the field of Social Systems Theory studies on protest movements. Edgar Guerra Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Singing during a pandemic El confinamiento estuvo entre las medidas que se implementaron para la contención de la pandemia, aquello tuvo como consecuencia la limitación de las interacciones co-presenciales afectando la cotidianidad de los sistemas sociales como la educación, la economía, la política y el arte. La presente investigación busca indagar en este último, reflexionando en torno a la adaptación del sistema a las nuevas condiciones impuestas por la disrupción pandémica, seleccionando como objeto de estudio el caso de los ensambles de canto coral. Para aquello, realizamos una investigación cualitativa a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas a directores de ensambles corales que continuaron con sus actividades musicales durante la pandemia para conocer como cambió la cotidianidad de la dirección coral y el canto en conjunto. Entre los hallazgos relevantes de la investigación se encuentra la utilización de apps y plataformas digitales para realizar ensayos online y la creación de obras corales-audiovisuales que circularon por redes sociales como Facebook y Youtube, ejemplos que nos permiten pensar al respecto del arte pandémico. Maximiliano Rivas Campos Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Differentiation and dedifferentiation in the pandemic The main goal of this paper is to focus on the pandemic to reflect on social dedifferentiation. This topic is particularly important for Latin American researchers because there are many doubts about the relevance of using social systems theory to account for a social reality characterized, among other things, by the expansive eagerness of the political system. At first sight, it seems that Latin America is not characterized by functional differentiation, but rather by dedifferentiation and that therefore systems theory has no place here, as it is a theory for "modern" societies of the "first world". In this context, the analysis of the social effects of the pandemic, which served as a social macro-experiment, allows us to better understand dedifferentiation. To carry out this analysis, I will not only use Luhmann's theory of differentiation, but also contributions from Latin American authors. This will allow me to present three concepts to account for the phenomenon of dedifferentiation before returning to the pandemic and its effects on society. The three concepts outlined in the text are: event of dedifferentiation, episode of dedifferentiation and orientation of dedifferentiation. Jorge Galindo Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000