This research analyzes the structure, from an intersectoral perspective, of the Programa de Apoyo al Recién Nacido (PARN), part of the benefits of the Integrated System for Children named Chile Crece Contigo. It examines the intersectoral programs implementation and coordination in which various sectors, both governmental and private are involved. The research supports the conclusion that major failures are related to an improvement in PARN management and not to changes in its organizational structure. It is recommended to strengthen the educational module by reinforcing prenatal workshops, having a staff at the hospital network level directly associated with the Program and implementing a registration and management system to overcome information gaps and strengthen the entire Program.
Intersectoral coordination, public policies implementation, Early Childhood Development
Opazo, D. (2016). The Intersectoral Coordination Challenges: Analysis of the Support Newborn Program Implementation. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 2(1), 171–184.