This study analyzes the inclusion process in the government agenda, formulation and implementation of a public policy in Chile, based on the case of public policy to promote thermal solar energy (Law 20.365 / 2008). The work is structured according to the analytical model proposed by Subirats et al (2008). Based on the collected information, we could observe that there is a significant implementation deficit that is related to some inaccuracies generated during the Law formulation. Nevertheless, the generalized perception of the related actors is not linked to the failure of the policy, but rather to the results obtained that generated a significant achievement in the increase of installed solar collectors, and regulatory and technical products, that without the existence of this would never have developed. There are still challenges because the market is in a very incipient stage of development.
Energy policy, public policies implementation, agenda-setting
Romero, P. (2016). Public Policy Analysis of Tax Franchise for Solar Thermal Energy in Chile. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 2(2), 84–101.